Everyone is welcome at St John’s, in fact, locally we’re renowned for our welcome and friendliness. The best way to get a feel for what it’s like to be a member of our church is to come along on a Sunday. You can take part in as much or as little as you like to start with. We’re used to having new people join us and we try to make it easy for everyone to know what is going on at each point of our services.
Sundays are really important for us as it’s when Christians gather together to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. We do this by listening to his word (the Bible) and celebrating Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper). By the bread and wine of Holy Communion, we are assured together of God’s promise of forgiveness and friendship because of Jesus’ death in our place.
We have different styles of service. Most people gather for our 10am service. Most weeks this is our Parish Communion Service, which is a perfect balance of traditional and contemporary with prayers and hymns, Bible readings and a sermon. The sermon explains one of the Bible readings in a way that is relevant to our lives here and now. Roughly one Sunday a month, the 10am service is Family Communion, where children and adults stay together for the whole service. This is a little more informal in style, with the St John’s band instead of the organ and an all-age talk in place of the usual sermon.
2nd February 10:00 am – 11:00 am
A great time for all ages. More informal, with the St John's band and an all-age talk.
Take a look at our calendar if you want to see what else if on.
As a church we take our safeguarding responsibilities seriously and we are committed to ensuring that our church and buildings are safe places for all.
Park Road, Bromley, BR1 3HJ
020 8460 1844
© 2020 – 2025 The Parochial Church Council of St John the Evangelist Church, Bromley.
Registered Charity No. 1186819.