Baptism and Confirmation

At St John’s we offer baptism to adults who profess the Christian faith for themselves, and to children whose parents make a public declaration of personal faith in Jesus Christ.  Baptisms normally take place in the context of one of our main Sunday 10am services.

We will ask you to attend a series of meetings designed to help you explore the significance of the baptism promises.  Please contact us at least three months before the date on which you would like the baptism to take place. 

If you have been asked to be a godparent and would like to know what that involves, you can find some useful guidance on the Church of England website here.  You might also like to look at the links on our What we believe page.

Adults who were baptised as infants and who now wish to make a public declaration of faith for themselves are invited to be confirmed.  Confirmation preparation usually takes place in spring or early summer.  Please contact us for full details.