Following Jesus

At St John’s we have lots of activities aimed at helping us to get to know Jesus better and live for him. We have regular Bible Studies and a termly Evening Discussion Course as well as one-off events.

What you can join at the moment

  • Christianity Explored

    29th January 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

    A series of six evening discussions to help us consider the big questions of life and meet the man who changed history. Wednesday evenings in the church hall.

  • Heroes parent and child group

    1st February 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

    Plenty of toys, books, good company, storytime, songs and free coffee and cake make Heroes a great time for children and parents alike!

  • Man Up! Discussion in the pub

    26th February 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

    Discussion night in the pub for the men of St John's and their guests.

Past events