BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Parish Communion
Join us in the building or watch the live stream. We hear God’s word and respond in prayer and praise.
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Family Communion
A great time for all ages. More informal, with the St John’s band and an all-age talk.
Christianity Explored course
A five-week series of discussions as we prepare for the Christmas season. Meeting in the church hall on Wednesday evenings.
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Parish Communion
Join us in the building or watch the live stream. We hear God’s word and respond in prayer and praise.
4 O’Clock Church
Come and join Spencer and Frosty. Designed particularly with younger families in mind but everyone loves it!
Christianity Explored course
A five-week series of discussions as we prepare for the Christmas season. Meeting in the church hall on Wednesday evenings.
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.