Christianity Explored
A series of six evening discussions to help us consider the big questions of life and meet the man who changed history. Wednesday evenings in the church hall.
Pastoral care meeting
A meeting to explore pastoral visiting ministry. Please contact the church office to register your interest.
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Parish Communion
Join us in the building or watch the live stream. We hear God’s word and respond in prayer and praise.
Pathfinders is our group for young people aged 11–18.
Children’s Holiday Club 2025
We are making big exciting plans for our Children’s Holiday Club for 2025, which is called Deep Sea Adventure! Our club takes place from Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th February, with sessions running from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm each day. Come along for songs, sketches, games, craft activities and as many bad jokes as […]
Women’s Fellowship social
An evening of lively chat and laughter at the home of one of our members. Open to all women of St John’s.
Coffee Morning in the church hall
Join us in the church hall for a friendly chat and catch-up over coffee and cake!
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Family Communion
A great time for all ages. More informal, with the St John’s band and an all-age talk.