Technically known as the Annual Vestry Meeting and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, this is in effect the annual business meeting of St John’s.
At each year’s AVM and APCM, all members of the St John’s electoral roll who are physically present are eligible to vote. To join the roll, which is the official list of church members, you have to have been baptised and you must be over 16. We encourage all regular members of St John’s who are eligible to join the electoral roll by completing the form which can be downloaded from this page.
New Electoral Roll for 2025 – enrol here
Under the rules governing parishes in the Church of England, each parish is required to prepare a new electoral roll every six years. 2025 is a new roll year, so all persons who wish to have their names entered on the new Roll are requested to apply for enrolment not later than 15 March 2025. Please note that inclusion is not automatic and members of our previous roll DO need to apply to be included.
To apply online to join the St John’s Electoral Roll, please select the button below to download the application form.
You may be prompted to save the blank form to your device, after which you should be able to complete it on screen (you may need to select Enable Editing). Please EMail your completed form to Lynn Lea, St John’s Electoral Roll Officer at
If the online form does not work or if you would prefer to complete a paper copy, please contact the church office to request a printable version or pick up a printed form in church, then return it to the church office by post or by hand.
The new Roll will take effect on 29 March 2025.
The annual meeting includes the election of Church Wardens and members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). If you are interested in standing for election to one of these posts, please contact us for full details and a nomination form. (Please note that these roles are subject to checks under the Disclosure and Barring Scheme.)
This year’s meeting will be held on 13 April 2025. The 2024 Annual Report and Accounts will be published here shortly and be presented formally at the meeting.
For reference the 2023 Annual Report and Accounts can be downloaded here:
The Minutes of last year’s Annual Vestry Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting (held on Sunday 21st April 2024) can be downloaded here: