Christianity Explored
A series of six evening discussions to help us consider the big questions of life and meet the man who changed history. Wednesday evenings in the church hall.
Church Prayer Meeting
Our regular meeting including prayers for St John’s, our community and God’s wider world.
Heroes parent and child group
Plenty of toys, books, good company, storytime, songs and free coffee and cake make Heroes a great time for children and parents alike!
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Family Communion
A great time for all ages. More informal, with the St John’s band and an all-age talk.
Pathfinders is our group for young people aged 11–18.
Christianity Explored
A series of six evening discussions to help us consider the big questions of life and meet the man who changed history. Wednesday evenings in the church hall.
Holiday Club planning meeting
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Parish Communion
Join us in the building or watch the live stream. We hear God’s word and respond in prayer and praise.