Ash Wednesday Holy Communion
We begin the season of Lent with a service of Holy Communion as we reflect on Jesus’ experience of temptation and obedience.
Church Cleaning Party
It’s actually great fun cleaning together!
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Parish Communion
Join us in the building or watch the live stream. We hear God’s word and respond in prayer and praise.
4 O’Clock Church
Come and join Spencer and Frosty. Designed particularly with younger families in mind but everyone loves it!
Lent Lecture “God and AI”
Graham Budd, Executive Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, will be speaking on the topic God and AI: Being human in a world of superintelligent machines.
Lent Course: ‘Rooted in Grace’
We join with members of churches across Bromley to meditate together on the Scriptures and to pray as we look forward to Holy Week and Easter. Live at St Peter and St Paul (Church Road Bromley BR2 0EG) on Tuesdays from 11th March to 8th April.
Women’s Fellowship social
An evening of lively chat and laughter at the home of one of our members. Open to all women of St John’s.
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Parish Communion
Join us in the building or watch the live stream. We hear God’s word and respond in prayer and praise.