Event Category: Services
4 O’Clock Church
Come and join Spencer and Frosty. Designed particularly with younger families in mind but everyone loves it!
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Mothering Sunday Family Communion
Family Service for Mothering Sunday — a great time for people of all ages to thank God for the gift of our mums!
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Parish Communion
Join us in the building or watch the live stream. We hear God’s word and respond in prayer and praise.
BCP Communion
Holy Communion using traditional language.
Palm Sunday Communion with Dramatised Gospel Reading
Come along and play YOUR part in our extended Dramatised Gospel reading, as we follow Jesus’ journey to trial and to death.
Compline via Zoom
A short evening service including Bible reading, reflection and prayers.
Maundy Thursday Holy Communion
Service of Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday.
Good Friday Meditation
A quiet reflective service focussing on the Cross of Christ.