Parish Magazine

Easter Joy

The Rev Daniel Whiffin

A great big ‘thank you’ to everyone who served during our special celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It felt like a wonderful team effort and it was such a joy.

Click on an image to view it full screen.

These photos were taken by Lesley.

When I arrived in the building before everyone else on Easter morning and saw the stunning flowers, I burst into song (Oh, to see the dawn, if you’re wondering). There were hot cross buns on Good Friday and more refreshments on Sunday, making it easy for people to stay and build friendships. Time and effort were given to ensure everyone was welcomed and looked after. People of all ages read from the Bible and led prayers (sometimes at a minute’s notice). I saw dustpans and hoovers being wielded. We even had a visit from Wally! These and all the things that happen every Sunday such as live-streaming and PA, setting/clearing up and serving for Holy Communion, and probably plenty more that I should have mentioned.

Let’s be praying that the joy and hope of Jesus’ resurrection continue to take root in our hearts and be demonstrated in lives of faith.