What's on

Pathfinders Cocktails Night

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Event Details

Young people from school Year 6 upwards are invited to join our Pathfinders group, which meets fortnightly for fun, games and Bible teaching often with friends from other Bromley churches.

We meet LIVE on the first and third Sundays of each month during term-time, usually in the church hall (entrance from our dedicated church car park on Park Grove).

The next event in our amazing programme will be…


Sunday 16 February 6.30 to 8pm
St John’s Church Hall

Come along and learn how to pour, blend, shake, stir, garnish, serve and even name your own (alcohol-free) cocktails!  To help us cover our costs we are inviting a donation of £2.50 per child this time – but please don’t let that put you off as we have some subsidised places available. Also in case of spillages, please bring an apron if possible and don’t wear your best clothes!

As always you can bring up to three friends – please let us know numbers at least 24 hours beforehand for catering purposes, along with any special dietary requirements or allergies.

Looking further ahead, our Pathfinder events in March will be…

  • 2 Mar: Circus Skills Workshop
  • 16 Mar: Movie Night

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Our meetings usually run from 6.30 to 8pm and include food and drink.  Please let us know any food allergies or intolerances.We encourage all members of our Pathfinders group to come and help out as junior leaders at our Children’s Half-term Holiday Club.

Members of our Pathfinder group are also eligible for priority booking at various residential summer camps for 10-14 year olds, which take place usually in August.  The camps include a wide range of outdoor and indoor activities as well as opportunities for learning more about the Christian life from a team of experienced volunteer leaders.  For further details please contact the church office.